Parent Resources
Welcome to the UChicago Charter School Parent Resources page. Here you can find many of the forms, filings, documents and other resources you need to better navigate your way around our school. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to the main office at your child’s campus.
Available Documents
Below you will find an array of documents and resources. Most documents are provided in PDF format for maximum viewability across devices. If a document requires a certain software package for viewing, the entry will also include details on how to view the available document.
Parent Resources - Current
- UCCS SY24 School Calendar for Families v6.pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy Excerpt from UChicagoCharter-StudentFamilyHandbook-2023-24
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Parent-Guardian Complaint Procedure
- Southside STEM Camp for 6th Grade Girls
- University of Chicago Charter School Family Handbook
- Updated UCCS Code of Conduct